What Is Fair Trade?

woman working at sewing machine

A way to end poverty and human trafficking.

Fair trade has been shown to be instrumental in helping families stay together, become educated, be lifted up out of poverty, and end the selling of family members into human trafficking.

How is this done? A family member is shown a trade based on their own cultural traditions. It may be jewelry, purses, art, clothing, and more. They are then paid a fair and living wage for those products. The products are sold by a wholesaler to companies all over the world to sell at retail prices. These products are NOT the products that you see in most chain stores. Unless it has a fair trade tag, those people were probably paid very little for their work. That is exploitation. Fair trade allows families to send their children to school. It allows generational growth to occur that could help their families never to be in poverty again! Every purchase you make makes a difference. So purchase with a purpose and get your fair trade on!