Papillon Marketplace

Our Story

A young mother of two wanted to add to her family through adoption. After spending a week at an orphanage in Haiti, she was surprised to find out that these children had mothers who were alive, but just too poor to care for their children.

She set her heart on providing jobs for at-risk mothers, so that they would be able to keep and raise their kids. In 2008, Shelley Jean became a social entrepreneur because no child should ever be abandoned because of poverty.

Papillon Marketplace is a fair-trade certified, socially conscious, lifestyle brand dedicated to supporting at-risk mothers and fathers with full-time artisan jobs in Haiti.

woman smiling on book cover

Did you know...

Our team of potters is made up of all women. We believe in giving parents the opportunity to raise their children with dignity through the blessing of a job. We provide the technical training through our non-profit organization and then when they are ready to work, we simply stand back and watch them bloom!

Product Diversity

  • Ceramics
  • Recycled Paper
  • Recycled Oil Drums
  • Screen printing
  • Sewing

Papillon Marketplace Provides

  • Bank Accounts, Birth Certificates, Continued Education/Training, Emergency Medical Care.
  • Papillon provides the dignity of a living wage job to Haitian Parents.
  • Parents no longer have financial burdens and are given the opportunity to grow through training and employment.
  • Children are not relinquished to orphanages due to financial pressure.