Maker Spotlight

Learn More about Sadle Traders

Located in Bhaktapur, Sadle creates environmentally sustainable products from materials such as hemp, no kill leather and recycled rubber inner tubes.  It was founded in 1984 and currently works with 30 jewelers and tailors.  Sadle is the oldest and largest exporter in Nepal and works to source all of it’s raw materials from Nepal, which in turn, supports the local economy.  This producer group is very committed to breaking down caste barriers and religious differences between employees, so that everyone is treated equally, the working environment is harmonious, and every individual is well paid.

Denise Attwood with manager in Nepal, Chunta Nepali
Denise Attwood with manager in Nepal, Chunta Nepali


At the heart of Ganesh Himal Trading is long term partnerships that empower each partner. We are committed to respectful and long term partnerships with:

  • the families, businesses, and projects that we partnered with over 30 years, prioritizing them by securing their work before adding new producer groups,
  • Our staff in Spokane and in Nepal providing work that enhances their security, growth, and well-being,
  • Our retail partners, many of whom have been customers for over twenty years,
  • Our planet, which gives without question and deserves the same care in return,
  • We believe that building long-lasting relationships based on trust, dialogue and mutual respect is key to community building and helps move us toward a more equitable future.

Our partnerships are grounded in reciprocity. We work diligently to establish mutually beneficial relationships with our producers in Nepal by encouraging a balanced level of give and take. We work directly with producers as a team, expanding each other’s talents and ideas. We believe everyone’s insight and perspective is needed to create systems that address the changing nature of our world.